Tuesday, April 30, 2013


  The other night we grilled out, and there was a fire on the grill. I figured this would work good for the warmth assignment because fire is very warm!

This is the thermometer thing on the grill. The grill was getting very very hot! 500 degrees definitely works for warm. 

 On March 30, 2013, I colored easter eggs! These are all of the eggs that I colored. This picture works for "warm", because holidays and being with my family gives me a warm feeling. Coloring the eggs was really fun and gave us all a happy/ warm feeling.

Typical Day

 This is my Typical Day. First I wake up at abut 7:30 every morning, then I do my hair, pick out something to wear, brush my teeth, and go to school! Finally, at 3:30 I get home from school. I let the dog outside and then I eat eat eat! Then I feed the cat and dog because my mom is usually working and is not home to feed them at 1:00. After I feed the animals I get more food and sit down at 4:00 to watch ellen. At 5:00 ellen is done and then I usually just sit around and do whatever until about 8:00. At 8:00 I take a shower. After that, I do lots of homework and then finally when im done with my homework I get to go to sleep!

CD Cover - The Blues

  This is the cover for my Blues CD cover. I think all of these photos work well for the blues, because they are dark. I like how the person is mostly just a silouhette in these and the background is bright.

For the inside cover I used this picture of my sister holding the guitar over her shoulder. I like how everything is a shadow. Also, the blue text works good for these, because it is a dark color like the pictures.

 The back cover of my CD is a shadow of my sisters head with a hat on that kind of works well with the Blues theme. I like how the words fit nicely on this cover.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


 This is my result for the multi-view assignment. For this assignment I took pictures of my dog.I really like how There are different "square sections" in this photo, creating different colors to a layer. I also like how the dogs are transparent and you can see the shape of the dog in every layer.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Re-Edit #2

 I re-edited this picture to make the whites brighter and the blacks darker! I'm not sure if i really like how this edit turned out. The black lines don't really look like they belong in this picture anymore.

  Spike was taking a bath one day so I took some pictures of him. I used a similar picture of him for my animal morph assignment so i re-edited it without my face on him!

 This is a picture of branches covered with ice. I like how you can see a little bit of an orange glow coming through the ice.

 This is Brooke's pig Oscar or "Pig Pig". I took pictures of him for animal morph but never got to morph him, so i wanted to edit this picture. I like how you can see his face in this picture, considering in the original his face his dark from the shadow.

 This is a picture of a horse. I like how the background of this picture is all white but has texture to it. I also like how the horse is obviously the main subject.