Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Typical Day

 This is my Typical Day. First I wake up at abut 7:30 every morning, then I do my hair, pick out something to wear, brush my teeth, and go to school! Finally, at 3:30 I get home from school. I let the dog outside and then I eat eat eat! Then I feed the cat and dog because my mom is usually working and is not home to feed them at 1:00. After I feed the animals I get more food and sit down at 4:00 to watch ellen. At 5:00 ellen is done and then I usually just sit around and do whatever until about 8:00. At 8:00 I take a shower. After that, I do lots of homework and then finally when im done with my homework I get to go to sleep!

1 comment:

  1. omg i love ellen!! sorry, your day sounds very exciting, nice work.
