Friday, June 7, 2013


 Molly blowing bubbles. I like how there are a few bubbles that actually appear in this picture. I also like how the swing chain is in the picture too! I think the chain makes this a little bit more interesting.

 Here is Jazmine blowing some bubbles. I think Jazmine and Molly had the hardest time blowing bubbles! ;) I like the background in this picture. It is simple but interesting.

 Molly trying to blow bubbles! It was kind of funny to do this assignment, because some people couldn't barely blow a bubble! I also like how there is one blurry bubble at the top of this picture.

 This is a picture of Jenna! I like this picture because it is of the photographer. Usually when you are looking at pictures, you only see the "model" but it is different here.

 Kristen! I really like this picture because it is just of her face, and you can see the bubbles being blown. I also really like how its right up close and then the background is just white. I did not take this picture though. Jazmine took this picture of Kristen when she was using my camera.

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