Monday, January 28, 2013


 This is a picture of a pine tree branch with snow on it. What I like about this picture is that the pine tree is really in focus and then there is another tree in the background with bare branches. The pine tree is the main subject and the tree behind it is the secondary subject. I am not sure what I could do to make this picture better.

 After school today I went on a walk with our korean exchange student, June, and my dog to the arboretum, to take some pictures for class! The main subject of this photo is the tree right in the front of the picture. I like this picture, but maybe if there was some sun outside today it would have made a better sky for the background.

 The main subject of this photo is the road. I like how the road curves, so you can not see what it leads too. I also like how the road is surrounded by snow, to make the road stand out more.

 This is one of the bridges in the arboretum, which would be the main subject. I like the way this picture looks with the gray effect. The gray effect gives this photo an "old" look to it.

 This is a picture of my dog, Benji! He would not stay stay still, so i could not not get a very good picture. He is obviously the main subject. I like how in the background there isn't to much going on, so that you can focus on the main subject. I also like how Benji isn't looking right at the camera. I think it adds more effect to the photo.

 This picture was taken in the arboretum. It is a picture of the trees as if you were looking straight up in the sky. I like how it looks like all of the trees are going towards the middle. I also like how this picture was taken from an uncommon point of view. You do not usually look up in the sky to look at the tree tops.

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