Friday, January 25, 2013

Open Theme #1

 The main subject in this photo is the birdhouse. This picture worked out well, because only the birdhouse is in focus, and everything else is blurred out. This picture could have been better if taken at a different time of the day.

 In this photo, the tree branches are the main subject. I think this photo worked out well, because the branches are dark against the bright sky. This photo also could have been better by maybe taking it at a different time of the day.

 This is a picture of Keagan and me, when i babysat the other night! We are the main subject in this picture. This picture could have been better, if the background was blurred out a little bit. There is too much going on in the background which leads you to looking there instead of the main subject.

 Another picture of me and Keagan! Again, we are the main subject of this picture. I like how it is clear that we are the main subject in this picture. A different lighting could have made this picture better.

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