Thursday, March 28, 2013


  I went to my Aunt Bonnie's house one weekend and took some pictures. This is her house that has TONS of icicles all around it. I like how half of the picture is icicles on the house, and the other half is the sky with tree branches. This works for melting, because icicles are formed from melting snow.

 This is a picture of some water running down the driveway. I like the way the water looks with the light reflections. This is melting snow, which makes it work for the melting assignment!

 This is practically the same picture as above, but it is taken at a different angle. I like this one a little but better because you can see the trail of water in the distance. This works for melting, because it is water running down the driveway from melting snow!

Animal Morph!

 This is my first attempt at the animal morph assignment. I think it turned out pretty well! Making the lips work on both of these photos were the hardest part for me. This picture could have turned out better   if I would have worked with it more and made the eyes and lips blend in more.

 This is my hedgehog, Spike! This animal morph turned out much better, other than the lips. The eyes blend in very well with the hedgehog. I could not get the lips to blend in very good with these.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


 This picture of a girl skating turned out well because she is the only thing in focus and everybody else is blurry behind her, proving that there is movement in this photo.

 This is a picture of 3 friends taking off there skating things. You can see that the skating tired them out, and they are ready to stop skating for now!

 I really like how this picture turned out, because there are two skaters in this photo, but one is in focus and one person is not. That shows that one of them was skating faster than the other person.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lines in Nature

 Duckies! These are my aunts ducks. We had just came home from Milwaukee and my sister and I decided to go to my Aunt Bonnie's house, so I decided to bring my camera and take pictures! The ducks followed each other everywhere, and when I took this picture they just happened to be in a line, making this picture work for the lines assignment!

 This is a picture of the shadows of trees on the snow. I like this picture because there is a lot of different patterns in the snow and then there are the shadows of the trees. I also like how the different patterns in the snow have shadows to bring them out, and how the shadows of the trees are against the bright white snow.

 This is a picture of some tree's at my aunts house. (Kind of a boring picture) What I like about this picture is how there is some green color and some pink in the trees. I think the pink color is actually from the sun but it works.

 This is the same picture as above. I like this picture better, I don't know why but i think that the picture turned out more interesting with a gray effect to it!

 I like this picture of trees, because it has just one "awkward tree" or whatever you would call this! It has a curve to it and then starts growing straight again. This photo shows straight lines with the trees in the background and curved lines with the awkward tree.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Replace A Sky

 This is the result of my replace a sky assignment. I think that the editing to put these two photos together turned out well, but it is kind of an unrealistic picture because the sky has bright colors and then the snow is just white with no colors from he sky reflecting on it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Re-Edited Photos

 This is a picture of a colorful morning sky. I like how this picture has the different colors and how the trees stick out against the bright sky. 

  I love this picture of little Olivia! This was during her ice show performance. She was just getting in place to start her duet performance with her friend, Kennedy. I made the background all grey and left Olivia in color to make the focus on her even better.

 This is a picture of some pines with snow on them. I think this photo could have turned out better if the house was not in the background. I like how this picture has a sharp focus up front but as you get farther away, the focus becomes blurry.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Winter Texture/Patterns #2

 This is a picture of some little flower like things that I found in my yard. The plant is the main subject, with the blurred out branches being the secondary subject. If the house wasn't in this picture at the top, then the picture would be better. I tried cropping this picture below the house, but then the plant did not look right so i had to get the whole plant in it. This is a pattern, because the flowers are repeated.

 This is a picture of some cut branches. I took this picture because the branches cut in all different lengths kind of looks interesting. This is also a pattern, because the branches are repeated over and over to make a pattern.

 During Winter Carnival I went to my sisters ice show to watch her and the little skaters that she teaches! The ice was very soft this day so there were a couple of falls on the ice, like in this picture. This is a pattern, because the girls are all in a row doing the same thing, and they all look the alike. I think that this photo turned out more interesting with the girl that fell in it.