Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lines in Nature

 Duckies! These are my aunts ducks. We had just came home from Milwaukee and my sister and I decided to go to my Aunt Bonnie's house, so I decided to bring my camera and take pictures! The ducks followed each other everywhere, and when I took this picture they just happened to be in a line, making this picture work for the lines assignment!

 This is a picture of the shadows of trees on the snow. I like this picture because there is a lot of different patterns in the snow and then there are the shadows of the trees. I also like how the different patterns in the snow have shadows to bring them out, and how the shadows of the trees are against the bright white snow.

 This is a picture of some tree's at my aunts house. (Kind of a boring picture) What I like about this picture is how there is some green color and some pink in the trees. I think the pink color is actually from the sun but it works.

 This is the same picture as above. I like this picture better, I don't know why but i think that the picture turned out more interesting with a gray effect to it!

 I like this picture of trees, because it has just one "awkward tree" or whatever you would call this! It has a curve to it and then starts growing straight again. This photo shows straight lines with the trees in the background and curved lines with the awkward tree.

1 comment:

  1. The shadows photos is a good example-it could be brighter (lighter whites, darker blacks).
