Friday, March 1, 2013

Winter Texture/Patterns #2

 This is a picture of some little flower like things that I found in my yard. The plant is the main subject, with the blurred out branches being the secondary subject. If the house wasn't in this picture at the top, then the picture would be better. I tried cropping this picture below the house, but then the plant did not look right so i had to get the whole plant in it. This is a pattern, because the flowers are repeated.

 This is a picture of some cut branches. I took this picture because the branches cut in all different lengths kind of looks interesting. This is also a pattern, because the branches are repeated over and over to make a pattern.

 During Winter Carnival I went to my sisters ice show to watch her and the little skaters that she teaches! The ice was very soft this day so there were a couple of falls on the ice, like in this picture. This is a pattern, because the girls are all in a row doing the same thing, and they all look the alike. I think that this photo turned out more interesting with the girl that fell in it.

1 comment:

  1. I love all of your pictures of the little ice skating girls :)
