Monday, February 25, 2013

Winter Light #2

 This is a picture of snow with some tracks in it. I like how this picture has shadows of the tracks, and how there is an orange glow to this picture from the sun. The main subject of this picture is the snow/tracks. The orange color made this photo much more interesting than the picture without the sun.

 This picture was taken later in the day than the picture above. The main subject again is the snow/tracks. You can see from these two pictures that the lighting is very important in photography because it can make the photo much more interesting. The photo above turned out better because of the lighting and the orange glow to the snow. This picture is kind of boring because it is all one color, and is dark, which makes this have a sad/not a happy feeling to it.

 In this picture the main subject is the different looking tree to the right of the picture. The sun is the secondary subject. I like how this picture has a colorful/bright sky behind the trees to make the trees look dark and shadow-like.

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