Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winter Texture

 This is a picture of two tails from different things in my backyard. The trail on the right is from me, but I'm not sure what the other trail is from. The two trails are the main subject. I took this picture because i thought it looks cool with two different kinds of tracks next to each other. This would be a fluffy texture because of the soft snow in the middle and in the tracks.
 This is a picture of some pines in our window. The main subject is the pines with snow on it. This is a pokey/sharp texture because of the pokey needles. I like this picture because there is the main subject, and then at the bottom there are a few christmas lights.
 This is a picture of the bricks at my house. There was a light layer of snow on them and you could still see the design of the bricks underneath it, so i thought it would make for a good picture. This texture is rough because the snow looks kind of rough on the bricks, and bricks are rough also. You could also have a line texture here too because of the lines the bricks form.

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