Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winter Light

 This is a picture of the sky from the other morning. I woke up, and when i looked out the window the sun was just rising and was filling the clouds with a red tint. I took this picture because I thought the color of the sky was really pretty and its different than what the sky usually looks like.

 This is a picture of the trail from my feet when i walked through my yard. This has to do with winter light, because the sunlight is shining on the trail and making shadows. I like how out of the whole yard, there is only that one little branch sticking up out of the snow.
 This is a picture of some plant in my backyard. The little branches are the main subject of this photo. I like how only the branches are in focus and then the background is bright with some shadows from the sun shining. This goes with the theme "winter light" again because the light is shining in the background, and there are some shadows.

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