Friday, May 31, 2013

Graduation - Open Theme

 Well, Brooke Graduated! This is a picture of her class at Graduation. I like how this picture looks like a panorama. I wish the peoples' heads on the bottom wouldn't have gotten in this picture though!

 My cousin Matthew.. I was taking a whole bunch of pictures of him at Brooke's party, because you never know what he's going to do! I have a bunch of pictures of him making dumb faces at me. but I wont post those ones.. haha. I like this picture because Matt isn't making a dumb face, it is very clear, and there is no distracting background. This shows Matt's personality because he is allways wearing that hat...everywhere! This picture also shows that Matt is a happy person and fun to be around. (most of the time)

 My aunt made these cookies for Brooke! They definitely represent Brooke! with the cowboy boots since she is obsessed with everything country, the graduation hats because she was graduating, and the horse shoes for "good luck" or because she likes riding horses too.

 Just a couple of people from my crazy family! Nothing too special about this picture. This kind of shows how my family is, because there is 1 girl with 4 other guys. Thats pretty much how it is all the time since our family consists of mostly guys!

 I love Alexa's expression in this picture! Alexa came to Brooke's graduation party with her family, since Brooke babysits them! While Alexa was bouncing on the bouncy house I got this picture of her. I wish this picture would have been more in focus when I took it!

 Brooke's signature picture frame. Again, there is nothing to special about this picture. I think the background is a little bit distracting from the main focus, but everything in this picture also has something to do with Brooke, so it all goes together in one way or another..

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Land of Giants Re-Edit

 I decided to re-edit this picture to make me brighter. My face might be a little too bright compared to the guy's, but it is very similar to the brightness of the girls' faces!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Light and Shadow

 There is a really pretty tree in my backyard that is filled with all of these pink flowers! I decided to use a picture of the tree for my assignment! I took the picture of the flowers on the tree and made sure that you could see the shadows from the tree. I like how only the flowers are in focus, and the trees shadow is blurry in the background.

 It is hard to see in this photo, but all of the dandelions are casting little shadows. I tried to make the shadows "pop" out more but I couldn't really do it without making the rest of the picture look horrible! I think this picture turned out okay, but if the shadows would have "popped out" more that would have made this picture better.

 My puppy Benji! We went outside the other day to take pictures, since I as sitting at home bored after surgery! It must have been too hot for him because he was panting with his tongue out the whole time! Anyways, he was sitting there so I took a picture of him. This picture works for "Light and Shadow", because the sunlight is causing my dog to cast a shadow.

Land of Giants

 My Familyyyyy! haha, just kidding. For this assignment I decided to make myself tiny. I was originally going to have myself with some Barbies but i only have a "doll house" house. So I didn't use the Barbie idea. I ended up using my doll house people so that I could actually be inside the house. I think this turned out pretty good! The shadow looks realistic, but I think I could have been a little bit brighter. The doll house people are very bright, but I am dark, because of the lighting from when the pictures were taken. And yes, my little girl doll only has one hand! My dog ate her hand off when he was a puppy!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Single Subject

 This is my single-subject result. I used my cat for this assignment because I had a hard time thinking of something to take pictures of for this! I like how all of the pictures fit together nicely. I like how the white border around each image looks on this too! I could not get as many different pictures as I would have liked, because my cat was getting really mad at me and kept running away!

Friday, May 10, 2013


 My alphabet is finally done! I liked this assignment, it made me think about different objects that could represent a letter, and it made me look around for things. The hardest part about this was trying to get all of the letters to fit in the picture! I really like how this turned out, and I think the black background works good to make the pictures pop out more.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Urban Decay

 This is a picture of a little gazebo type thing in my neighbors back yard. I think this shows urban decay because this is not in very good shape. The paint is chipping away, and the table is broken which shows urban decay.

 This fence against the gazebo is broken and falling apart. I think that because it is falling apart and is broke, it works good for urban decay.

 This is a picture of the floor in the gazebo. The flooring has chipped away paint, and has a bunch of leaves in the back showing that this has been abandoned, and hasn't been cared for it. I like how this picture has a small area of focus in the back of this picture.