Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Light and Shadow

 There is a really pretty tree in my backyard that is filled with all of these pink flowers! I decided to use a picture of the tree for my assignment! I took the picture of the flowers on the tree and made sure that you could see the shadows from the tree. I like how only the flowers are in focus, and the trees shadow is blurry in the background.

 It is hard to see in this photo, but all of the dandelions are casting little shadows. I tried to make the shadows "pop" out more but I couldn't really do it without making the rest of the picture look horrible! I think this picture turned out okay, but if the shadows would have "popped out" more that would have made this picture better.

 My puppy Benji! We went outside the other day to take pictures, since I as sitting at home bored after surgery! It must have been too hot for him because he was panting with his tongue out the whole time! Anyways, he was sitting there so I took a picture of him. This picture works for "Light and Shadow", because the sunlight is causing my dog to cast a shadow.

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